It might seem strange that someone who likes simplicity and Eastern philosophy would write about them on a business/financial blog.
After all, doesn't business have to do with serious, bottom line math? Isn't Zen and Taoism associated with '60's style hippies and non-capitalist, non profit peace and love?
Actually, Eastern philosophy and thought is rooted in the everyday world - in mundane matters such as commerce. Eastern religions such as Buddhism do not see worship as something you only do once a week in a church or temple. Instead, you "worship" and server the Universe through your daily life and work.
Personally, I feel that any success I have achieved has been because of my passion for simplicity, minimalism, zen, and Taoism. Incorporating elements from each of them into my way of thinking was as valuable (if not more) than any computer, mathematical, or financial training I've ever had.
I've learned the power of "The Middle Way" (rather than sticking to an extreme viewpoint), analog thinking (as opposed to win/lose zero sum games), present moment awareness, the power of concentration, and "resetting" or letting go.
After all, doesn't business have to do with serious, bottom line math? Isn't Zen and Taoism associated with '60's style hippies and non-capitalist, non profit peace and love?
Actually, Eastern philosophy and thought is rooted in the everyday world - in mundane matters such as commerce. Eastern religions such as Buddhism do not see worship as something you only do once a week in a church or temple. Instead, you "worship" and server the Universe through your daily life and work.
Personally, I feel that any success I have achieved has been because of my passion for simplicity, minimalism, zen, and Taoism. Incorporating elements from each of them into my way of thinking was as valuable (if not more) than any computer, mathematical, or financial training I've ever had.
I've learned the power of "The Middle Way" (rather than sticking to an extreme viewpoint), analog thinking (as opposed to win/lose zero sum games), present moment awareness, the power of concentration, and "resetting" or letting go.